Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Lab # 5 Freedom Of Speech?

G'Day cobber!
A.K.A just Captain Cooked at a video on youtube about the Westboro Baptist Churh, and they were mighty strange. They were REAL bouncers. they would standoutside of funerals and picket the dead diggers that had fought for the USA. Shirley was a real figjam when people would try to ask her about her beliefs and the sins that she, herself, had made. Crickey, her beliefs were outrageous. The most blimey belief she had was about homosexuals and the 10 commandments. She thought that if you were homosexual that you were commiting adulatry. Her reasoning was that if you were a guy "takin it up the tailpine" and if you were a married mad having "fag sex" then it was audulty. We believe that if you are homosexual and having sex, it it not audulty unless you are cheating on someone else or that person. We need a big Kangaroo to knock some sense into her noggin. She had some serious kangroos loose in the top paddock.

Lab # 4 Quotes

Lunch Money and Rape

The little boy sits on the bench

with his lunch money by his side,

Big fat Lester punches him

and the little boy starts to cry.

The teacher asks the little boy

“What what what what what what?”

Then big fat Lester walks by and says

“I punches him the in GUTT”

The teacher says to the boys “Sit down and hear me out,

I’m going to teach you a lesson

of what civil liberties are about”

The teacher tells the boys about the freedoms they posses,

The freedom of speech, the freedom of religion, and the freedom of the press.

She warns the boys to be very wary

because freedoms can be abused

She says to think before they act

or they can be wrongly accused,

Then the teacher said

Before she let them sent them to Advanced coloring and shapes

“Everyone has equal rights

And nobody should get raped”

But most importantly

“you have the right to swing your arm

Wherever it likes to go,

but just remember there are consciences

before you swing it so.

Lab #3 A Day Without Civil Liberties

G'Day Mates!!
For this Lab, A.K.A, made a rockin' civil liberties poster. Check it out players.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Lab #2 Dress Code

G'day Mate!
A.K.A. was fossicking through the school handbook and there was NO DRESS CODE! We love not having a dresscode because we get to express ourself withouit the limitation of a spectific way of dressing. Although we do understand why dresscodes are put in place to not offend other student and not make distractions in class. But is it really a big issue to dress the way you want because in real life there is no dress code. Why should it be different from real life to school life? Are dresscodes really going to stop teasing and bullying? We don't think so. The clothes will be different, but the people will still be the same.

Lab #1 First Amendment Test

Gooday 'mate!
A.K.A here, we just took our test, and SHIELA it was hard! We come from the land down 'unda and we scored a prestine 25/30! That score its just about as tastey as vegimite!