Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Lab # 5 Freedom Of Speech?

G'Day cobber!
A.K.A just Captain Cooked at a video on youtube about the Westboro Baptist Churh, and they were mighty strange. They were REAL bouncers. they would standoutside of funerals and picket the dead diggers that had fought for the USA. Shirley was a real figjam when people would try to ask her about her beliefs and the sins that she, herself, had made. Crickey, her beliefs were outrageous. The most blimey belief she had was about homosexuals and the 10 commandments. She thought that if you were homosexual that you were commiting adulatry. Her reasoning was that if you were a guy "takin it up the tailpine" and if you were a married mad having "fag sex" then it was audulty. We believe that if you are homosexual and having sex, it it not audulty unless you are cheating on someone else or that person. We need a big Kangaroo to knock some sense into her noggin. She had some serious kangroos loose in the top paddock.


  1. I think you should focus more on getting information rather than trying to be cute and adding Australian influences. It takes away from the significance of the lab.

  2. I disagree with the comment above, i think that ya'll did an awesome job balancing a well informed lab as well as adding a little special flair:) This church sure is crazy, it takes a lot of nerve to do what they do.
    Elizabeth lloyd

  3. Omg I just read what I wrote & didn't mean for it to sound that harsh sorry..I was just confused when I read it!
